
A Special Store Like the Library in the Harry Porter Movie - MIYAHARA 宮原眼科

The first time I saw Miyahara and stepped into was totally out of curiosity.  Taichung is my hometown, but it had been a while that I  had not walked around Taichung train station when the first time that my husband and I drove passed by MIYAHARA and were attracted by its special architecture.   It appeared to be an old bricked building with some broken window hole on its second floor but covered by modern black glasses as the roof.   Its brick arcade reminded me somewhere in Italy, and it was really enjoyable to sit there and eat delicious ice cream.  MIYAHARA was in fact an ophthalmology hospital established in 1927 by Japanese doctor Miyahara(宮原武熊), it had ever been the largest hospital in Taichung when Japan had jurisdiction over Taiwan.  After world war II, Taiwan was returned to China, and doctor Miyahara left Taiwan.  The building then had ever been the mayor house and latter belong to Taichung public health bureau.

We stepped into, and I almost said WOW when seeing its interior.  

It looked like a library with many floors of book shelfs, associating me with the library shown in the Harry Porter movie.



Guess what are they selling?

All of the commodities were packed like books, including many kinds of  Taiwanese or Chinese cakes and candies.  They are very suitable for tourists to bring home as souvenirs, or get good taste experience.
Here is the web site of the group operating this store : http://www.dawncake.com.tw  
Just list several of what they are offering for your reference: pineapple cake(土鳳梨酥), sun cake(太陽餅), nougat (牛軋糖), chestnut candy(南棗核桃糕), almond cake (杏仁酥), pumpkin seed cake,(南瓜子酥), crunchy nuts (花生糖), tea and honey, etc. 

Say, Dawncake in fact is also famous with their heavy cheese cake,  if you love heavy kind, don't miss it ! 

來台灣, 別錯過了墾丁 (2)

最近兩次到墾丁, 都一定要到龍磐公園居高臨下欣賞特殊崩崖地形的海岸線風光, 這裡的波濤洶湧, 遠遠就可欣賞一波接一波的白色裙帶和遼闊的藍藍大海(太平洋).  第一次到龍磐公園, 風呼呼不絕, 我的紅色髮箍就在這裡被風括走了.    第二次到這時, 颱風剛過, 雖然山崖下的海浪洶湧異常, 但我們所在的龍磐公園卻很平靜.  聽說如果天氣不錯, 龍磐公園晚上的星空非常的美麗, 希望以後有機會一睹風采.  來墾丁千萬不要錯過這個地點.

去佳樂水的路上, 在人煙稀少(可能是weekday的關係)的道路旁出現幾個標榜衝浪的民宿或小店, 民宿和小店的對面有一小片椰子樹林, 樹林後透著海灘, 仔細看那裡有些許人正在衝浪.   最近查了一下, 才知道原來這裡叫T-Bay(茶灣),  位居巴士海峽與太平洋交界, 四季都可衝浪,是台灣有名的衝浪愛好者的聚集地.  這裡每年夏季會舉辦國際衝浪交流賽.
到了佳樂水(舊稱佳洛水), 發現跟以前不太一樣.  這裡不再給人散步進去, 必須付門票, 坐滿州鄉公所特製的柴油觀光車.  司機延著海岸線開, 邊開邊介紹海岸線的奇岩怪石.   我們去的那天海浪不小, 車開在岸邊的水泥小路, 還可感受到浪花的水氣.   這裡很類似野柳的地形, 有許多當地人依形狀命名, 如軍艦, 兔子, 烏龜, 鞋子... 您去的時候再看看到底像不像吧!   不過, 蠻想跟滿州鄉公所建議可不可以不要用這種柴油觀光車,  改以團隊漫步介紹,  頂多添加幾台沒有空氣和噪音污染的電動小車, 載不想走遠路的人觀賞風景. 

過佳樂水往北走, 港仔大沙漠(九棚沙漠) 和 旭海也很特別,  不過因為時間關係, 要橫跨恆春半島回到車臣, 只經過港仔沙漠, 遠觀吉普車瘋狂跑沙灘的景象.  雖曾有新聞報導有人玩港仔沙漠的吉普車沒綁安全帶摔出骨折的事, 但看起來玩的人都立在吉普車後座狂歡, 叫得很開心. 這裡呈現的沙漠樣貌真的很特殊.  此外墾丁還有兩個如果要去一定要先預約的生態保護區: 龍坑南仁湖.  希望以後可以去看看.  當然, 喜歡泡溫泉的也可考慮到四重溪泡溫泉.   

我想下次可能會安排在四重溪過一夜, 發現兩次繞墾丁一圈, 從恆春半島東岸要到西岸太趕了, 安排個一天在橫貫路上的四重溪休息, 比較有可能玩到旭海或需要先預約的生態保護區: 龍坑或南仁湖. 
