
Special Shrimp Dishes in Taiwan

If you come to Taiwan, there are special shrimp dishes that you will never forget once you have tried them.  The shrimp dishes in fact are started from the shrimp fishing ponds, some kind of relaxing places for people to catch shrimps and have somebody cooked there.   The shrimps in the ponds are giant river prawns (also named freshwater prawn,  Macrobrachium rosenbergii), originated in Thailand, Malaysia, ..Southesast Asia area.  It was imported to Taiwan in 1970, and there are lots of ponds raising such prawns now.

Taiwan Shrimp Fishing Ponds on BBC News

The ponds owners would like to attract more people to fish there, so how to cook the prawns and make customers enjoy the meal became important.  There came the special shrimp dishes in Taiwan.

The dishes are not just served by the shrimp fishing ponds now.  There are specific live shrimp restaurants in cities.

In those restaurants, the grown prawns are kept with flowing water in their small ponds or glasses tanks, the prawns are cooked in fresh.

There are many kinds of way to cook the prawns: Lemon Shrimp, Pepper Shrimp, Garlic Shrimp, Sesame Oil Shrimp, Shrimp Salad, Shrimp Hot Pot.  Besides shrimp dishes,  the restaurants also have one or two kinds of crab, lamb, fish, pork, vegetable dishes on menu.  Beer, tea, and more kinds of cool beverages are also available.

Garlic and Pepper Shrimp are served in metal urns, while Lemon and Sesame Oil Shrimp are served in plates.  (Look like the pictures in Golden Coast Live Shrimp web page)

My favorites are Lemon Shrimp and Sesame Oil Shrimp since the juice of the dishes are perfect to go with rice, and I love the flavors.  Some people say Garlic Shrimp and Pepper Shrimp are wonderful with beer.  So you choose >_+

Below I list several famous live shrimp restaurants:

百家班 林森店   Address: 台北市中山北路一段105巷22號
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【台北】百家班活蝦 林森店 @ 飯友團 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: golater://host/e/key/cfc8341e8b183cc0e346188ea73b1ab6/id/ca8aaf4b-e198-4226-8929-c18833a1e70c/sh/s7/ Get GoLater http://goo.gl/wWQeIR

一品活蝦  忠孝店  Address: 台北市忠孝東路四段101巷27號 
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吃了會上癮 ❤一品活蝦❤ @ 鬆餅太太的翻滾Diary :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: golater://host/e/key/f415cd2cec685972ba12e421017bbdce/id/09bd988a-6cac-4963-8617-1ecbe7fb2c8f/sh/s7/ Get GoLater http://goo.gl/wWQeIR

易鼎活蝦   Address: 台北市光復南路240巷11號1樓
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【美食推薦】吃易鼎(大鼎)活蝦真的好蝦! | 迷迷小姐【瞎拼more】 golater://host/e/key/92378de60476da25acd4e94fd91efe3d/id/be219ade-71ce-49d6-82be-5f9b586d560e/sh/s7/ Get GoLater http://goo.gl/wWQeIR

黃金海岸  Address: 新竹縣竹北市福星東路一段228號
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新竹‧竹北│黃金海岸活蝦之家餐廳 golater://host/e/key/6ff0602b83b134e317d02b3601c184a6/id/b21ea564-5e8b-46a1-8c7c-0947e296f219/sh/s7/ Get GoLater http://goo.gl/wWQeIR

本部黃金海岸活蝦之家   Address: 新竹縣竹北市新溪街396號 
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[新竹] 黃金海岸本部活蝦之家。做過SPA的泰國蝦~ @ 貝貝夫人的生活日誌 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: golater://host/e/key/ab40ed23b8a30c92a26194fe73c70861/id/a1954c46-f2bc-45bb-a7a0-b3121a9c012a/sh/s7/ Get GoLater http://goo.gl/wWQeIR

黃金海岸   Address: 台中市北屯區昌平東二路135號
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【黃金海岸活蝦之家】來台中嘗嘗現撈鮮煮的活蝦料理吧~~ @ pulllalala●愛吃鬼美食筆記 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: golater://host/e/key/5eddbed279eaec5b54318f8660fd37fa/id/4bf6fe2f-712b-4205-a4b9-b11af02b7e27/sh/s7/Get GoLater http://goo.gl/wWQeIR

易鼎活蝦  Address: 台中市西屯區甘肅路二段100號 
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台中市─好吃的易鼎活蝦@阿希-iPeen 愛評網 golater://host/e/key/08119b7d4c2084dffe74b42b9d981e31/id/5cfeff6c-fa14-4901-84fe-fc1021c9ef58/sh/s7/ Get GoLater http://goo.gl/wWQeIR

全海岸活蝦  Address: 高雄市左營區博愛三路170號
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高雄.左營-全海岸活蝦餐廳(高雄店)-男人的加油站,女人的美容院 @ 豬小詠的食旅隨行-用眼睛看.用嘴巴吃.用手體驗.用心感受 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: golater://host/e/key/cf8b281aed64f9adc7ba3c60fb18e080/id/288ac985-62ca-472a-bcaa-6c0c2adc18e7/sh/s7/ Get GoLater http://goo.gl/wWQeIR

四兩千斤活蝦  Address: 高雄市左營區文學路542號
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四兩千金活蝦之家(高雄活蝦料理)-高雄活蝦專賣,胡椒蝦、檸檬蝦美味料理盡收口底-店家介紹 1111特惠王 golater://host/e/key/b8ccd0ad1ed9c7e0dbe57b04879ac010/id/c20d5c39-d550-4c88-a1a2-81283ae8d1b7/sh/s7/ Get GoLater http://goo.gl/wWQeIR

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